Islamic Kids Cartoon, Muslim Children Story in English, Fun Film Tale on Prophet's Pond.
Enjoy a lovely Islamic Bedtime Story with your Child.
Discover Your Meeting Place with the Prophet (S)!
Explore the Meeting Point with the Prophet (S)!If your child hasn't yet delved into this captivating narrative, they're truly missing out on a profound experience. Here's why:
1- The Prophet's Pond unfolds the tale of the 'hawd' (pool) of Prophet Muhammad (S), where he will rendezvous with his righteous followers on the Day of Judgment before entering Paradise. This provides your child with insights into a crucial aspect of a Muslim's belief in the afterlife.
2- The Prophet's Pond narrates the journey of a boy and his mother in search of a specific pond, hoping to meet a 'special someone.' With each turn of the page, the boy describes a characteristic of the pond, only to realize that he is referring to a pond from the hereafter. The adventure reaches an emotional climax when it becomes clear that the boy yearns to meet Prophet Muhammad (S).
3- The Prophet's Pond is a visually stunning panoramic picture book that engages and heightens your child's senses and focus, all within the context of an Islamic-themed narrative.
4- The book features repetitive rhyming prose, encouraging your child's active participation in reading and enhancing their overall enjoyment of the story.
5- Upon completing the book (which your child will undoubtedly want to read repeatedly), they will effortlessly memorize the description of the Prophet's Pond – their designated meeting place with the Messenger of Allah (S) in the hereafter, in-sha-Allah.
6- Grounded in authentic hadith narrations, the book provides your child with a reliable and solid understanding of Islamic teachings.
To discover your designated meeting place with the Prophet (S), simply click the 'Add to Cart' button above. May you and your children be blessed with the Prophet’s (S) intercession on the Day of Judgment.
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